KVC Star Student

Nathan Jackson
We are delighted to introduce you to KVC Student of the Month, the remarkable and talented Nathan! At just 10 years old, Nathan has shown an unwavering passion for the world of animation and a deep commitment to achieving his dreams.
Nathan’s favorite subject is math, which he finds incredibly enjoyable. Nathan was in KVC’s Intro to Animation Workshop and Intro to Filmmaking Camp. He helped write the script and was one of the actors in the short film, The Mascot. Nathan aspires to become a film producer and animator. We are excited to have Nathan as a student and pleased to have him as part of our KVC community.
Did You Know?
Many youth consume up to 11 hours of media per day.
Average teenager in U.S. spends 308 hours using media a month.
Negative/violent acts the average U.S. child will witness by age 18
We Provide
Media Influences Youth
Since Covid there has been a 50 – 75% increase of media usage among youth. Many young people see themselves through the lens of negative media which may cause low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and even suicide. To bring awareness and help combat these problems, KVC teaches youth media literacy.
Video Production
We inspire children to learn, think, dream, create and communicate through the study and application of video production disciplines and techniques. One of the core concepts of media literacy is: “All media messages are constructed.” KVC trains our students to be positive content creators.
Media Literacy
Media literacy is defined as the ability to analyze, understand, evaluate, access and create media. We teach youth media literacy to help them develop critical thinking skills and empower them with the knowledge and tools to make wiser media choices.